Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sweet 13 5K

This race is part of a Spring Series in Iredell County.  Thirteen races take place in Statesville, Union Grove, Troutman, Mooresville, and Love Valley.  Each race is only $10 and manually timed.  Shirts are available for $15 and this year's color is light gray with the Ready. Run. Race. logo on the front and the Sweet 13 listings on the back.

This was my second run in this series and I am enjoying the challenges.  LOTS of HILLS on this course, the strongest being the very last  3/10ths of a mile straight up, or so it seemed.  Once again, McLelland Racing Team (MRT) hosted an extremely well organized event.  The location was Stumpy Creek Park in Mooresville which is surrounded by an upscale subdivision and the waters of Lake Norman.  The entire route (except the last few hundred feet reentering the park for the finish) was asphalt, easily suitable for walkers, runners and baby joggers.  

It was an out and back thus we had two water stops - Mile 1 and Mile 2 and a well marked course.  Several volunteers were placed at strategic turns and there is so little traffic in this area. I honestly don't remember seeing a police presence on the course and was not concerned over the absence.  Race organizers drove the course via bicycle and vehicle to monitor progress and safety which was perfectly reassuring. Temps were mid 80°'s and plenty of hydration was available.  Door Prizes were given out while we waited for results to be tabulated.

MRT's Facebook page has made mention of a second series to begin when this one ends.  A more progressive series beginning with a 5K and ending with either a half or full marathon, details are not yet posted.  My running partner and I are looking forward to exploring new venues in Iredell County while working on our speed and distance.

I would highly recommend this series to anyone looking for a low fee, small crowd, rewarding experience.  I look forward to running several more over the summer. 

Official Time:  Results not yet posted