62° at 7:00 AM Saturday morning made for a perfect day and a perfect race. If you have never been to scenic Lake Rabun in Georgia, you're missing a well kept secret for mountain and lake lovers alike.
A hazy overcast day with cooler temps in a surprisingly upscale lakeside community of Georgia surrounded by gorgeous mountain scenery just makes a soul at peace. This race was not what one would expect if having never visited the area. Yes, it was a small mountain community but it was NOT a redneck, hillbilly environment, easily ascertained upon arrival as the parking areas were filled with Mercedes, Lexus, Volvo and the shiniest 4 Wheel Drive toys a man could desire or woman for that matter. We too can appreciate the feel of the ride from a high powered road warrior.
The race course was out and back on a typical snake path of a mountain road, complete with hills, albeit none were elongated. The top finishers times prove the course was not amateur, 19:25 male, 24:08 female. This race is also an annual community event so many of the summer residents that own or rent houses on the lake show up for the socializing. A very large number of walkers were present as well as the top notch dedicated runners utilizing the 10K as a qualifier for the nearby Peachtree 10K.
Timing is manual with a digital clock at the Start/Finish line. Route is very straightforward, no street turns, just one single road out and back. Same route is used for both races and the turning point for the 5K was well marked with a volunteer present to 'suggest' that runners were more than welcome to continue on for the 10K if they were up for it. 119 runners made that effort - kudos to them!
My time was in line with all my previous races, something I intend to change this summer (lowering the PR for good!) but I was by no means in the "Final Four" so to speak. Something I confess I rather enjoyed. In the 5K division, 517 runners posted times of which I was 362nd overall which puts me in the 70th percentile (not recordbreaking, but definitely in the right direction!).
After the race and a very cozy breakfast in Clayton GA, I headed to Tallulah Falls Gorge for some hiking, or in this case, some very intense stair climbing. *laugh* The views were worth the effort in each case.
Georgia is renowned for its well maintained State Parks and this was no exception. After a very pleasant yet very short trip, I could easily see myself planning a 4 day retreat at a local Bed & Breakfast in Rabun County with close company for a very enjoyable hiatus, after all...
The race course was out and back on a typical snake path of a mountain road, complete with hills, albeit none were elongated. The top finishers times prove the course was not amateur, 19:25 male, 24:08 female. This race is also an annual community event so many of the summer residents that own or rent houses on the lake show up for the socializing. A very large number of walkers were present as well as the top notch dedicated runners utilizing the 10K as a qualifier for the nearby Peachtree 10K.
Timing is manual with a digital clock at the Start/Finish line. Route is very straightforward, no street turns, just one single road out and back. Same route is used for both races and the turning point for the 5K was well marked with a volunteer present to 'suggest' that runners were more than welcome to continue on for the 10K if they were up for it. 119 runners made that effort - kudos to them!
My time was in line with all my previous races, something I intend to change this summer (lowering the PR for good!) but I was by no means in the "Final Four" so to speak. Something I confess I rather enjoyed. In the 5K division, 517 runners posted times of which I was 362nd overall which puts me in the 70th percentile (not recordbreaking, but definitely in the right direction!).
After the race and a very cozy breakfast in Clayton GA, I headed to Tallulah Falls Gorge for some hiking, or in this case, some very intense stair climbing. *laugh* The views were worth the effort in each case.
Georgia is renowned for its well maintained State Parks and this was no exception. After a very pleasant yet very short trip, I could easily see myself planning a 4 day retreat at a local Bed & Breakfast in Rabun County with close company for a very enjoyable hiatus, after all...
I was Googling "Rabun Ramble" and came across your blog. I just wanted to say hello and keep up the good work.