I must say, of all the 5Ks I've participated in this year, the Thunder Road event was by far the most enjoyable. Over 6000 runners total for the three races. The courses included a full marathon, a half marathon and a 5K. Run For Your Life was in top form. Digital timers at each mile marker, well marked routes, excellent traffic control and LOADS OF FUN!!
The "Girls On The Run", a local youth organization had an enormous turnout and they were most encouraging to both watch and trail alongside. Each young lady had a mentor. Mentors were parents, friends, relatives and volunteers and each child was coached and supported throughout the entire race. They ALL ran supremely well and as one brilliant young athlete stated "We made it and we're not dead!" They met the challenge and should be most proud of themselves.
As for me personally, I have discovered what shin splints are, or at least what they can be, took me 3 or 4 races to realize it wasn't the cold weather, it was something more. Did you know a pair of running shoes averages only about 300-400 miles. Mine exceeded their odometer about a month ago and I failed to realize it, I simply thought I was growing steel beams in my lower front legs, chuckle! A new pair of Saucony's for me and I'll be good as new next race!
The "Girls On The Run", a local youth organization had an enormous turnout and they were most encouraging to both watch and trail alongside. Each young lady had a mentor. Mentors were parents, friends, relatives and volunteers and each child was coached and supported throughout the entire race. They ALL ran supremely well and as one brilliant young athlete stated "We made it and we're not dead!" They met the challenge and should be most proud of themselves.
As for me personally, I have discovered what shin splints are, or at least what they can be, took me 3 or 4 races to realize it wasn't the cold weather, it was something more. Did you know a pair of running shoes averages only about 300-400 miles. Mine exceeded their odometer about a month ago and I failed to realize it, I simply thought I was growing steel beams in my lower front legs, chuckle! A new pair of Saucony's for me and I'll be good as new next race!
Personal Time: 45:34
Nephew's Personal Time: 31:12
(and it's only his second 5K!)
Nephew's Personal Time: 31:12
(and it's only his second 5K!)
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