Delightful day for a run. Temperatures were perfect, 60 degrees, overcast, lots of fresh air. The Kannapolis YMCA did a great job with this event and much to their own surprise, had a far greater turnout than expected. The run had a later than usual start time of 10 AM and many participants arrived at the last minute to join in. The Y has a wonderful location in a residential area of Kannapolis along with a grand park for families and children.
The route was not as flat as described in the brochure, it was quite hilly and entirely on asphalt, but, it was well directed and proved to be an excellent challenge. The police officers did an outstanding job with traffic control and with following the runners for safety measures. I am very much looking forward to future runs at the Cannon YMCA. Kannapolis has much to be proud of!
Posted Guntime: 46:34
The route was not as flat as described in the brochure, it was quite hilly and entirely on asphalt, but, it was well directed and proved to be an excellent challenge. The police officers did an outstanding job with traffic control and with following the runners for safety measures. I am very much looking forward to future runs at the Cannon YMCA. Kannapolis has much to be proud of!
Posted Guntime: 46:34