This event was a pleasant surprise. The trail was part gravel (more mud), part wooden bridges and part asphalt. It was also fairly level. Excellent family event and no surprises regarding the direction of the route. Timing was manual, and as is normal for manual scoring, the results were slightly higher for all. The top male score was 18:03, top female was 20:40. Appears to be a 2.5 to 3 min time difference, but still a fantastic run.
My personal time was 47:53 (I walked, price of a big dinner the night before) while my nephew shaved two minutes off of his previous score. He completed in 29:15. He is definitely on the road to more competitive timing.
I would recommend this series to anyone, especially 5K beginners. It's family friendly and a rather less complex challenge. A heartfelt thanks to CHF Magazine for sponsoring and managing the events.
Frosty 5K Walk / Run Series
My personal time was 47:53 (I walked, price of a big dinner the night before) while my nephew shaved two minutes off of his previous score. He completed in 29:15. He is definitely on the road to more competitive timing.
I would recommend this series to anyone, especially 5K beginners. It's family friendly and a rather less complex challenge. A heartfelt thanks to CHF Magazine for sponsoring and managing the events.
Frosty 5K Walk / Run Series